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Disk usage reported as 100% - /dev/loop5 8.9G 8.9G 0 100% /tmp,

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When file system errors occur and it becomes impossible to reliably read or write from /tmp, the operating system marks the file system as "read-only." This prevents services like Apache and PHP-FPM from creating temporary files. Unlike physical and logical partitions, loopback partitions such as ome securetmp creates are not true partitions and cannot be repaired with utilities such as fsck or xfs-repair. Instead, /tmp must be deleted and recreated.


Temporary solution

Please note that the following procedure must be performed by a certified administrator to ensure nothing goes wrong.

  1. Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal".
  2. Open /etc/fstab in your preferred text editor.
  3. Comment out the /tmp entry.
    #/usr/tmpDSK      /tmp         ext3   defaults,noauto        0     0
  4. Disable the securetmp service.
    systemctl disable securetmp
  5. Reboot the server.
    shutdown -r now
  6. Remove the old tmpDSK file.
    /bin/rm /usr/tmpDSK
  7. Run the securetmp script.
  8. Enter "y" at the prompts to confirm, enable, and configure the boot option.
  9. Reboot the server again.
    shutdown -r now

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